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Neo-Geo & SNK - Les petites actualités

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Message par WTOC Jeu 16 Juil 2020 - 22:17

Open Space chez SNK

Réouverture du site officiel de kof all star

The beach of Fighters - Événement de l'été du jeu mobile Shinobi Master Senran Kagura NEW LINK

À partir de demain, le 17/07, 3 persos de KOF intègreront le jeu:  Athea, Leona et Kula.


Vidéo de gameplay de Shinobi Master Senran Kagura NEW LINK:

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Mintissime !

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Date d'inscription : 06/11/2015

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Message par WTOC Ven 17 Juil 2020 - 21:22

Real bout special & Shock troopers 2 à déloquer sur le Neo-Geo arcade stick

Annonce de l'arrivée d'un perso de Samurai Shodown dans Honor of Kings

Teasing, identité inconnue pour le moment.

KOF ALLSTAR - Livrstream le 21/07

Ouverture des préinscriptions pour le jeu mobile snk Allstar

Il s'agit d'un jeu de cartes.
Neo-Geo & SNK - Les petites actualités - Page 5 Unname10

Le stage de Kuroko dans samurai shodown 2 contient des dessins du necronomicon d'Evil dead

Artwork de Samurai Shodown 2

Neo-Geo & SNK - Les petites actualités - Page 5 Edf_eo10

Beach of Fighters - Le merchandising

On y trouve des choses étranges.
Neo-Geo & SNK - Les petites actualités - Page 5 45800113

Illustration de Bao pour kof for girls

Car c'est son anniv le 18/07.
Neo-Geo & SNK - Les petites actualités - Page 5 Edhann10

Brochure promotionnelle japonaise de kof 98

Summer Night Mature dans kof allstar

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Message par WTOC Dim 19 Juil 2020 - 20:39

CArte Barcode Battler de Fatal Fury

Classeur pour trading cards kof 98

King of fantasy - Épisode 10

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Mintissime !

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Message par WTOC Lun 20 Juil 2020 - 21:30

Arrivée de personnages du manga Gintama dans KOF ALLstar

À l'occasion du deuxième anniversaire du jeu, nouveau crossover à partir du 23/07.

Trailer de lancement:

Un pack Switch avec le jeu Samurai Shodown Neo Geo collection est prévu pour l'Asie du sud-est


La poitrine de Leona dans kof 98

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Mintissime !

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Date d'inscription : 06/11/2015

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Message par WTOC Mar 21 Juil 2020 - 21:32

Publicité us pour Art Of Fighting

SAmurai Shodown sur switch à 29,74€ livraison gratuite

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Message par WTOC Mer 22 Juil 2020 - 21:26

L'artbook de Metal Slug Attack N°1 des ventes sur Yahoo Shopping

Artwork de Nakoruru

gel pour mains et eau de toilette kof

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Message par WTOC Jeu 23 Juil 2020 - 20:45

Patch de Samurai Shodown NEOGEO Collections sur l'EGS

SNK SUMMER FESTIVAL 2020 - Jusqu'à 50% de réduction sur les produits SNK

PAckaging de l'OST de Kof 94-XIII

Dessin d'époque du film fatal Fury

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Mintissime !

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Date d'inscription : 06/11/2015

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Message par WTOC Ven 24 Juil 2020 - 22:30

Crayonné de Jubei

Rediffusion du live de Dengeki à l'occasion de la sortie de Samurai Shodown Neo-Geo Collection

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Mintissime !

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Message par WTOC Sam 25 Juil 2020 - 21:34

WArden sans son casque

Le prochain personnage en dlc de Samurai Shodown sera gratuit

Sprite de Terry dans snk allstar

Gallerie d'artworks de kof allstar

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Mintissime !

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Date d'inscription : 06/11/2015

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Message par WTOC Dim 26 Juil 2020 - 22:43

Trousse en étain Fatal Fury Special

KOF-A NEW BEGINNING - Round 30-1 disponible gratuitement

Le nouveau chapitre vient d'arriver (le dernier?) et il y en a toujours plusieurs autres qu'on peut feuilleter gratuitement.

Neo-Geo & SNK - Les petites actualités - Page 5 Captur18

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Mintissime !

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Message par WTOC Lun 27 Juil 2020 - 22:14

Table ronde autour des jeux de combats avec des éditeurs, dont SNK et probablement des annonces!

Tout le monde attend un trailer de KOFXV, mais c'est très certainement le nouveau perso en DLC gratuit de Samurai Shodown qui sera présenté.
Le 1er août à 1h55 sur la vidéo ci-dessous:

Ouverture des précommandes de l'Analog Pocket le 3 août à 200$

Et il y aura un adaptateur pour les jeux Neo Geo Pocket à 30$.
6 heures d'autonomie annoncées quand l'affichage est avec la luminosité par défaut. Ce qui est très peu, le futur problème de la console.

Neo-Geo & SNK - Les petites actualités - Page 5 Ed8lmv10
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Mintissime !

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Message par anzymus Lun 27 Juil 2020 - 22:34

Je pense que SNK ne veut pas refaire le coup de KoF xiv présenté trop tôt.

Neo-Geo & SNK - Les petites actualités - Page 5 Signature
Pièce unique
Pièce unique

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Date d'inscription : 25/10/2015
Age : 41


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Message par WTOC Lun 27 Juil 2020 - 22:50

Le dernier patch de KOFXIV date de janvier 2019 après la grosse revue d'équilibrage de décembre. Si c'est la même équipe qui bosse dessus, on peut supposer qu'ils sont donc dessus à plein temps depuis au moins 1 an et demi.

Je suis aussi pour la prudence; la volée de bois vert que s'est pris Microsoft suite aux 8 minutes de gameplay de Halo Infinite rappelle qu'il vaut mieux ne rien montrer que de décevoir.

Graphiquement, ils sont attendus au tournant.
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Mintissime !

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Date d'inscription : 06/11/2015

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Message par WTOC Mar 28 Juil 2020 - 22:17

Follow&Retweet Digital Eclipse pour gagner un des deux codes en jeu de Samurai Shodown NEOGEO Collection (Xbox One)


Cosplay Mai Shiranui

Artwork et brouillon de Nakoruru

Follow&Retweet SNK pour un gagner une Neo-Geo Mini et autres goodies

Àl'occasion de l'anniversaire de Ryo le 2 août.

La roundtable du 31/07 avec Yasuyuki Oda and Nobuyuki Kuroki, commentée en anglais

Samurai Shodown 6 PS2 offert pour l'achat en ligne de Samurai Shodown NEOGEO Collection - Promo jusqu'au 8 août.

Sortie en anglais du 3ème tome de The King of Fighters: A New Beginning

Neo-Geo & SNK - Les petites actualités - Page 5 Captu117
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Message par anzymus Mar 28 Juil 2020 - 22:48

Le Cosplay de Mai, je préfère celui avec notre Marjolaine nationale.

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Pièce unique
Pièce unique

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Date d'inscription : 25/10/2015
Age : 41


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Message par WTOC Mer 29 Juil 2020 - 21:41

Publicité américaine pour la Neo-Geo

Neo-Geo & SNK - Les petites actualités - Page 5 Eedble10

Artwork et brouillon Haohmaru

7 nouveaux jeux gratuits grâce à twitch prime

Trailer Nouveau Perso KOF ALLSTAR

Ouverture des serveurs pour SNL ALLstar

Neo-Geo & SNK - Les petites actualités - Page 5 Captu118

Maj vers la version 5.9.0 de Metal Slug Defense

Ouverture des précmmandes pour des tableaux en acryliquede HaohMaru 45x32,7cm 80€

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Mintissime !

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Message par WTOC Jeu 30 Juil 2020 - 21:31

Nouvelle rumeur: Teaser de KOFXV sur pS5 et trailer de Metal Slug Returns sur PS4/PS5 au State of Play de Sony le 6 août

Après la déception de la New Game Expo +, après l'annulation de l'EVO, après le fake sur Reddit de la semaine passée, il y aura peut-être quelque chose le 6. Et si ce n'est pas le 6, ce sera au TGS.
Je ne crois pas qu'il y aura une exclusivité de taille à la Fighting Game Roundtable de demain, vu l'audience que ça va générer. Ce sera la présentation du nouveau perso en DLC de samurai Shodown point.
Ce qui est sûr est que les fans de KOF sont à cran!

100 MEGA SHOP, boutique éphémère du 30/07 au 05/08


SNK TAG HEROINES fait la promo des 3 persos du beach fighter

J'ai toujours relié ces persos à KOF et jamais je n'aurais dit qu'elles viennent de ce jeu.

Source d'inspiration d'un décor coréen de kof 2002 um

T-shirt Samurai shodown


Trailer d'un film en image de synthèse The King of Fighters: Awaken, sortie prévue en 2022 en Chine

L'audio est en chinois et une personne sympathique a traduit les sous-titres en français.

Ouverture de la précommande d'un coffret de 3 vinyls pour le premier Samurai Spirits - 7480 yen, sortie prévue fin septembre


Cosplay kof

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Mintissime !

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Message par WTOC Ven 31 Juil 2020 - 21:10

Artwork pour l'animé Samurai Spirits

Combos de nameless dans kof 2002 um

À 1 minute 05, il dépasse les 99 hits et le compteur repart de zéro.

KOF for girls, cette autre vie de no personnages favoris

Remerciements manuscrits d'Oda et d'Adam pour la sortie de SS Neo Geo Collection le 30/07

Sortie d'une 2ème OST de Samurai Shodown 2019 le 6 août avec 10 chansons des personnes en DLC

Fermeture du snk online shop du 08/08 au 16/08

La seconde OAV de Fatal Fury a été diffusée la première fois il y a 27 ans!

Article sur Yahoo Japon:

K7 audio du premier OAV de Fatal Fury et CD sous blister du film

Round table sur les jeux de combats cette nuit à 2h du matin (Pour SNK, Yasuyuki Oda & Nobuyuki Kuroki)

Le direct sur la chaîne officielle ici:

Le direct commenté en anglais sur la chaîne twitch de Bandai
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Mintissime !

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Date d'inscription : 06/11/2015

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Message par WTOC Sam 1 Aoû 2020 - 7:59

Rapide compte rendu de la round table de cette nuit:

Annonce du Season Pass 3 pour Samurai Shodown

Oda à propos de KOF XV
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Mintissime !

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Date d'inscription : 06/11/2015

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Message par WTOC Dim 2 Aoû 2020 - 20:51

Cosplay KOF et rencontre avec Youichiro Soeda


Présentation de GONGSUN LI, le prochain DLC de Samurai Shodown par Dengeki le 4 août à midi

Top 10 des jeux NGPC

Carte Barcode Battler de Fatal Fury

C'est la 3ème carte qui passe en deux mois.

Rumeur: KOF XV et Metal SLug 8 au State Of Play du 6 août?

Suite au listing de trailers et teasers du State Of Play du 6 août (COnférence Sony) qui aurait leaké, on apprend aujourd'hui que Konami a créé un site pour Silent Hill, pour lequel un trailer était annoncé dans le leak. Ce qui renforce la probabilité de voir le teaser de KOF XV d'1 minute 08 sur PS5 et le trailer de 2 minutes 33  de Metal Slug Returns sur PS4 et PS5.

Le screen du leak en question:
Neo-Geo & SNK - Les petites actualités - Page 5 6ei6lr10

En T-shirt devant le 100 mega shop, la boutique éphémère consacrée à Samurai Shodown


Cosplay Ryo Sakazaki

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Mintissime !

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Message par theWave Lun 3 Aoû 2020 - 11:43

Putain un shop dédié à SS c'est grandiose !!

Sanjuro a écrit:en Special Guest Star, WRC dans le rôle de theWave
ancien directeur du service de renseignements NGS, il a le bras long comme un anaconda sous stéroïdes, si un gros bonnet doit se coucher, c'est qu'il en a donné l'ordre.
Pièce unique
Pièce unique

Messages : 10134
Date d'inscription : 25/10/2015

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Message par WTOC Lun 3 Aoû 2020 - 21:31

Et les arts ont vraiment de la gueule. Ils ont beaucoup de chances.

Interview de Nobuyuki Kuroki Par IGN Korea

Neo-Geo & SNK - Les petites actualités - Page 5 Captur19
Traduction automatique de Google en anglais:
IGN: Nice to talk to you again. First of all, coronavirus is a worldwide epidemic. I would like to hear the status of the Samurai Showdown development team.

Kuroki Nobuyuki (hereafter Kuroki): Until May, all employees worked at home, and starting from June, they were divided into two groups and went to work in the first half and second half of the week. Even for telecommuting, development is progressing smoothly, so you can rest assured.

IGN: For the past year, Samurai Spirits has been busy running a series of patches and updates, and a PC version has just been released. When I look back, I want to hear what was the most difficult and most enjoyable moment of the year.

Kuroki: As the number of platforms released increases, so does the number of responding to issues, so the staff are working hard. In addition, the development of KOF XV, which has already been announced for production, is also in progress, so it is difficult to proceed without affecting it. However, it's really fun to see your fans react every time a DLC character is released. Of course, there are stingy opinions, but the employees are most encouraged by the reactions of these fans.

IGN: At last year's Korea conference, I asked the question, "Would this game aim for e-sports?" and Mr. Kuroki at the time focused on "how much fun you can play against your peers than'e-sports." Said. The point of this question was the direction of the balance, and he said he would not refine the balance until it spoiled the fun of the game of herbal fights. Is this direction still the same now?

Kuroki: Basically, it hasn't changed. I also answered in the interview, but esports doesn't matter to most players. Basically, I think the game is a hobby and a tool for playing with friends. However, we understand the importance of e-sports. Since SNK is actively supporting the competition, I think you can understand how important we think of e-sports through these actions.

IGN: The actual Samurai showdown was made in 4K and watching on a 42-inch or larger TV would be the most visually correct, but the graphics appeal wasn't easily conveyed as most true fighting game users enjoyed it on a 24-inch 1080P monitor. And even now, fighting games produced in 4K native resolution are rare. I think that this direction of production is in line with the'play with friends' mentioned earlier. Fighting a blow with a friend on a big screen is not bad if the environment of the monitor is equipped, but I wonder if I have looked at the future too much. Are you currently satisfied with the visual position of this game?

Kuroki: As you said, 4K may still be overspec for most players. Actually, I play on a 1080P monitor at home too. However, there are a lot of people who play with 4K monitors in the world, and even when displayed on large monitors such as competitions, 4K is much cleaner. In particular, our SNK games are sold shiny, and are not the end, but they are often sold steadily for a long period of time, so we wanted to make sure that the quality of the game did not deteriorate even if 4K became common in the future. We were able to produce good quality in 4K, so we are very satisfied.

IGN: Why did you decide to visualize the motif of Japanese painting?

Kuroki: Because it's a game based on samurai, I couldn't think of visuals that couldn't feel Japan. Another reason was that I wanted to differentiate the visuals from other titles. There may be Ho-Boo-Ho, but when I saw it, I aimed for an impact visual so that I could immediately see that it was a samurai showdown. In that sense, I think the motif of Japanese painting was the right answer.

IGN: I would like to hear about Samurai Showdown's plans in the future.

Kuroki: After Season Pass 3, we are not in a situation where we can reveal something specifically now, but we would like to provide you with the content that you like the most.

IGN: Please send a message to the fans of the Korean Samurai Showdown.

Kuroki: Thank you for always enjoying the samurai showdown. Are you enjoying the DLC characters that you keep delivering? I think the next DLC is also fun. I want to announce it soon. Please wait a little longer. It is a difficult time to go out because of the coronavirus. Please feel free to enjoy it online because you think samurai will relieve your stress. I am looking forward to going to Korea someday. Thank you.

IGN: Thank you for the conversation today.

Mai en images de synthèse

Neo-Geo & SNK - Les petites actualités - Page 5 Captur20


Interview de développeurs d'Irem à propos de Nazca et Metal Slug, entre autres

Neo-Geo & SNK - Les petites actualités - Page 5 Captur21
Traduction automatique de Google en anglais des passages concernant la Neo-Geo:
The regulars are sad (laughs). At that time, it was just about to enter the belt scroll action or case game boom.

Mr. Hamada That 's right. After that, I had been working at IREM for about three years, but in 1994 IREM decided to withdraw from the game business, and I was invited by a senior to move to a development company called Nazca. So, I joined as a programmer in the production of "Metal Slug", which is my masterpiece.

――It was Nazca that IREM withdrew from the game business and many IREM creators were transferred to it.

Hamada: That 's right.

--And in Nazca, you made "Metal Slug," which is still loved by many game fans.

Mr. Hamada The 90s was a turbulence for us.


Developed "Metal Slug" from withdrawal from IREM's game business to SNK subsidiary Nazca

-It was in 1994 that you moved from Irem to Nazca.

Hamada-san . IREM decided to withdraw from game development in 1994, and I also moved to Nazca with AKIO-san who was in charge of graphics at IREM.

--I was surprised at the Neo Geo games of those days when the taste of the graphics such as " Top Hunter " and " THE KING OF FIGHTERS '94 " changed from the Neo Geo titles until then. Was it because of the participation of Nazca?

Mr. Hamada No, Nasca is a different development company from SNK, and I didn't have any direct relationship with the SNK development team that created those titles. However, I have heard that the developers of SNK were surprised to hear about the development methods of AKIO and the IREM graphics team. At that time, Mr. SNK was gathering various development companies, so I think that he was evolving graphics with various stimuli.

--So that's it. What was it like when Nazca started up?

Hamada-san At Nazca, we decided to make golf games and shooting games first. For shooting games, I thought that it would be better to make a new work of "R-TYPE", but "I hate making the same thing", so I tried and error and "Metal Slug" I was born. The golf game is later called "Big Tournament Golf".

--"Metal Slug" was originally a shooting game project, wasn't it?

Mr. Hamada Yes. "Metal Slug" is an action game, but it has a lot of know-how and techniques of shooting games.

 The level design is "Miiha" on the 2nd, 3rd, and final sides, and the 1st, 4th, and 5th is Mr. Kujo (currently Mr. Kazuma Kujo of Granzera). Miiha's side is to make it so that you can stop scrolling and show the event firmly when you reach the event scene, but Kujo-san rarely stops scrolling, running through the bar while shooting suddenly It is a design that makes you feel comfortable. However, if you get into a bad condition, you will be hit by a throwing bomb that has been shot from a distance (laughs).

――It is said that there is a mixture of fascinating bullets that produce a so-called flashiness, which are intended to kill only one shot (laughs).

Mr. Hamada That 's right. Mr. Miihaa is "to Irem era undercover Cops " and " Geo Storm to have been responsible for the" essence Tteyuu Mr. Kujo is "In the Hunt" have been responsible for, "but scroll're free and die ride in tone" There is each one.

――Mr. Kujo seems to be a shooting game, especially in terms of thinking.

Hamada: That 's right. I was in charge of the program around the player characters, but in the first place, the main character was a tank during the development of "Metal Slug". It's very profound, but you can jump and crouch (laughs).

-The main character is a tank!

Since it is Mr. Hamada, the movement when riding in a tank with "Metal Slug" was actually very detailed. Originally it was made as a main character.

 The main character of "Metal Slug" did the location test twice in the era of tanks, but the development was stopped for a month because it was not good. In the meantime, the planners and AKIOs had a meeting about what to do, but in my eyes, everyone thought, "Isn't it better that the hero is a human?" I felt it.

 So, I tried to boost it by using the enemy soldier's graphics to make the player character human.

--Arbitrarily (laughs).

Mr. Hamada When I showed it to the planner, I was called to the development conference three days later and said, "Because the player character will be a human!", and I thought "OK, it worked!" After that, he was told, "But I will leave the tank!" He also said, "Because I will be able to ride in a tank!"

――Your chances are to increase your work with great momentum!

Mr. Hamada The specifications have changed more than I expected (laughs). You worked hard to make it all, and it became the current "Metal Slug."

--I see. It's always important to believe in yourself and make it (laughs).

Mr. Hamada That's why I think that "Metal Slug" is a game made by gathering the know-how cultivated in IREM for all planners, graphic makers and programmers.

-The flow of "R-TYPE" was later connected to "Metal Slug".

Hamada-san When you were in "Metal Slug," you thought that you couldn't pull your legs because you could make it with the people you admired who made your favorite games. I stayed at the company for 3 days a week and made it. They work until 5am and sleep in a futon or sleeping bag under their desk (laughs).

--Oh, that's only possible at that time (laughs).

Mr. Hamada I can't think of it now (laughs).

Regulars, that's what it was like back then (laughs).

Even Hamada-san , you enjoyed those days. It was fun, so I was able to create as much as I could, and I spent a lot of time working on it, so even if I made a mistake, I thought I would try hard to get it back, and I would like to know how to collect good and bad things. It was fulfilling.

 Best of all, everyone around us loves games and weird people, so it's fun. This was during the Irem era, but I ran out the time card and started playing the game with everyone staying at about 1 am in the middle of the night. He said, "What is the range of Nintendo's Superscope?", shooting at distances of 1m and saying "12m is the limit!" (laughs). Of course, it's not that often, but sometimes.

--(Lol). The point is that it's fun.

Mr. Hamada Yes, it was like a training camp or a day before a cultural festival, so I enjoyed everything. For some reason, you can concentrate most at around 3 pm.

 In today's world, it is not recommended that such a work is a company organization, but if you experience it for a night or two, I think it may be useful for making things.

Regulars's I'm able to concentrate me the night of the staying somewhere due to circumstances in the company. I also made things that were not in the plan without permission (laughs).

I understand Mr. Hamada (laughs). The next day, please ask, "I've made this, so put it in" (laughs).

Regular engineer, because he is doing his favorite thing with the tension at midnight, the engine starts.

Mr. Hamada Yes, I'm really happy if you put it in the game. So it's hard to stay up all night and stay, but it was fun.

--It's a good story. That may be the important essence of making things.

Hamada: That 's right. I'm really happy that I was in IREM then. Even now, I can only respect seniors, and I think that Irem had a chance to learn something special, unique, and important at that time. AKIO-san was the one who stood out, but there were also many unique people who were very diverse, and there were many strange people (laughs).


Mr. Hamada It was a culture of people that it was natural to do high quality. Even so, there were many people who liked mischief, and it might have been Kansai. I think they were people with a laugh-like taste.

――So you are still making good use of that kind of thing?

Hamada: That 's right. I learned important things.

--Oh, regulars have entered the endless drunken talk mode... Even so, "R-TYPE" and "Metal Slug" are still ported to various models and are being played. How do you feel about that? Can you tell us about that at the end?

As a fan of Mr. Hamada , I am happy to be able to play "R-TYPE" comfortably, and I am very grateful for "Metal Slug" as a creator. After all, it is interesting to say that it has nothing to do with the times, and I think that the ingenuity of the game, which I am trying to please, will continue to apply even as time passes.

 I'm currently focusing on VR technology, but what happens when I use it to represent an old shooting game? We are working on the theme of expressing the fun of the original game with the latest technology while enjoying what kind of know-how is required. I hope everyone will enjoy it someday as well.

Conférence de Sony State Of Play jeudi 6 août à 22h

Avec comme rumeur un teaser pour KOF XV et un trailer pour Metal Slug 8. À noter que le listing du leak annonçait 55 minutes de show et que le billet du blog en annonce plus de 40 minutes...
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Mintissime !
Mintissime !

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Date d'inscription : 06/11/2015

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Message par anzymus Mar 4 Aoû 2020 - 9:35

KofXV et Metal Slug seraient des exclus PlayStation ?

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Pièce unique
Pièce unique

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Date d'inscription : 25/10/2015
Age : 41


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Message par WTOC Mar 4 Aoû 2020 - 14:35

Oui, c'est ce que ça voudrait dire. Entre temps, j'ai lu autant de commentaires qui argumentent sur le Fake de cette news que d'autres sur sa solidité. La seule chose sûre est la date qu'avançait le leak et qui s'est avérée juste.

Le fait que KOFXV serait une exclu PS5 est intéressant. Le jeu arriverait à la sortie de la console, ne serait pas trop à la rue techniquement et fonctionnerait avec des persos en dlc pendant le cycle de vie de la console.
Mintissime !
Mintissime !

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Date d'inscription : 06/11/2015

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Message par anzymus Mar 4 Aoû 2020 - 15:13

Il faut absolument le rollback netcode sinon c'est mort. Le netcode de Samurai Shodown était un peu moisi, KoF xiv et KoF XIII aussi.

Alors que Garou et Samsho5 spe c'était top.

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Pièce unique
Pièce unique

Messages : 5084
Date d'inscription : 25/10/2015
Age : 41


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Message par chuckdun Mar 4 Aoû 2020 - 21:16

Exclu PS5, pour finir comme Uncharted avec des tonnes de suite sans + de saveurs ... Permettez moi de ne pas sauter de joie ... Sad
J'aime Uncharted, le premier du nom hein, mais ce qui a suivi ...
Alors du coup Sony me fait toujours un peu ... frissonner ... de froid ...

Messages : 134
Date d'inscription : 25/04/2020

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